Products for your Skin Type

Products for your Skin Type

What Does Skin Tone Mean?

Understanding about skin tone is important for all cosmetic purposes and tanning is no exception.

The skin’s undertone is the warm, cool, or neutral hue that shows through the surface colour of skin. Although the surface colour of skin changes depending on sun exposure and other skin conditions, the skin’s undertone remains consistent.

Knowing whether your undertone is warm, cool or neutral will assist in making sure your tan matches your skin to deliver the best possible result.

There are several ways to determine your skin tone, but here is a quick method to try:

The Quick Test

Look at the colour of the veins on the inside of your wrist.

Make sure you are examining your wrists in natural light, either standing near a window or outdoors, and that your skin is clean and free of product.

• If your veins appear blue or purple, you have a cool skin tone.
• If your veins appear green, you have a warm skin tone.
• If you can’t tell if your veins are green or blue, you may have a neutral skin tone and can have a variety of choice
• If you have an olive complexion, you likely fall into the neutral category.

Cool Skin Tone

The best tanning base for your skin tone is a tanning solution from our Green Base range. A Green base will counteract any pink hue your skin will throw leaving you with the most natural looking tan.

Warm Skin Tone

If you’re a warm skin tone, the veins on your wrist will appear green, and your skin type will quickly bronze or darken in the sun, so your skin tone would suit a tanning solution from within our Vibe Range which has a Violet Base. A violet base will counteract any yellow hue.

Neutral Skin Tone

If you fit within this range you have a wide variety of choice as your skin tone allows for a wide variety of choice.


Our competition and per romance tans have been designed to enable competitor to go from white to black without fear of over development. The normal tanning rules for selection do not apply.